Development of complex data protection of server rooms from unauthorized access




complex security, server room, AES-256, Python, data reservation


The problem of providing of information security at the all levels can be solved effectively only if there will be found and activated a Complex Information Security System (CISS), which will cover the entire life cycle of computer systems (CS), starting from design and ending up with recycling, and all the technological link of collection, storage, processing and transmission of information. Therefore, the main purpose of the research in this paper is the development of integrated protection, which will prevent physical access to confidential information, its copying, theft or damage in server rooms. The use of modern high-level programming language Python and symmetric codifying algorithm AES allows the programming part of complex protection to work as quickly as possible, which leads to a rapid transfer of data from personal computer to remote server. Developed CISS allows keeping of confidential information even in a case of unauthorized access and theft of equipment. Program part allows reservation of data to 50 Mb (after the SMTP protocol) and more than 50 Mb (after the FTP protocol), speed of operation in this case is 15-20 sec (after the SMTP protocol) and 2-3 sec (after FTP protocol) if dimensions of file is 50 Mb. Thanks to using symmetric cryptosystem AES-256 which has a length of key of 256 bit we reached to obtain maximum crypto stability if compare with alternative software-hardware complex information security system Secret Disk Secret NG 3.2 which uses cryptosystem DES with length of key of 56 bit. For instance to ‘crack’ AES-256 we need approximate 3.78×1063years provided that you go over million keys per second.

The developed system can be used in all fields of application whose work is connected with the use of server rooms and who have no need in high qualified staff to servicing this system. Therefore, if compared to alternative CISS, the one reviewed in the article is more reliable thanks to newer encryption algorithm and capability to prevent data losses in the case of unauthorized access to the room.

Author Biographies

Yaroslav Drabyk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 101, Storozhynetska, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58012

Department of Radio Engineering and Information Security

Galyna Lastivka, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University, 101, Storozhynetska, Chernivtsi, Ukraine, 58012

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Associated Professor

Department of Radio Engineering and Information Security


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How to Cite

Drabyk, Y., & Lastivka, G. (2015). Development of complex data protection of server rooms from unauthorized access. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(6(25), 66–68.