Software for calculation of belt conveyors at their computer-aided design
conveyor, parameters, traction factor, tilt angle, standard, calculation, methodAbstract
The article is devoted to developing algorithms and software for automated calculation of the main traction characteristics of the conveyor for the second option, involves designing the conveyor for installation in a particular formulation, when given the receiving capacity, operating performance, circuit tracks, production type, method of installation of the load it is determined velocity, width, type and strength of the belt, power and traction drive factor, tensioner stroke, drive starting time, force of the braking device and size of the assembly units. The basis is known calculation method. There are considered various options of the conveyor – single and double-drum, with the presence of the clamping roller or belt, with rigid kinematic coupling or connection between independent drums. It is formalized the second stage of the problem of computer-aided design of mine conveyors, using known methods approved by the State Standard. It is developed visual form to the user interface based on the example of the basic parameters of mine conveyor which is established in the programming language Delphi 7. To automate the calculation of these parameters is used programming language. The visual forms of the calculating algorithm realization of traction capacity of the conveyor drive are given.
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