Grounding of the combined unit chart for the presowing cultivation and simultaneous sowing of the row crop cultures




symmetrical combined sowing unit, depth of seeding, cultivator, beet planter


This article describes how to combine sowing units with units for presowing cultivation. These units are complex in their design and operation. The fact that power means with two hinged systems hung several agricultural machines, which operate in a single operation. These machines can be used in combination or separately.

Use of combined units increases productivity, reduce costs and increase the engine load of the power means. Theoretical calculations in this article demonstrate the correctness of acquisition and use of such units in the fields of a small area. Also, the calculations show the need for resupply units by other agricultural machines. These machines can be placed on the technological platforms, which are available on the tractor. However, it must put the tires of a different size on units with a width of 8.1 meters. This leads to increase in the cost of field operations. Calculations show that with increasing width of the unit and the process speed it is reduced time for fieldwork.

Author Biography

Павло Миколайович Ярошенко, Sumy National Agrarian University, Gerasim Kondratyev 160, Sumy, Ukraine, 40021

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Department of exploitations of technique


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How to Cite

Ярошенко, П. М. (2015). Grounding of the combined unit chart for the presowing cultivation and simultaneous sowing of the row crop cultures. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(25), 25–29.