Experimental verification of validity of mathematical models of the oscillatory systems





experimental verification, frequency spectrum, mechanical system, mathematical model, waveform, frequency domain


In order to validate the previously developed complex of the mathematical models, it is conducted instrumental identification of the natural oscillations of a mechanical system, by comparing the model and experimental spectra of frequencies. The scheme of the developed experimental unit, the list of used equipment, instruments, and methods of processing numerical data of sets and software that used in the experiment is given. During the experiment it was carried out instrumental identification of mechanical oscillatory system, which results were vibration spectra of oscillations in the frequency domain obtained at different speed modes of its operation. It was conducted a comparative analysis of the accuracy of the applied methods for the determination of natural oscillations of the system. Oscillation waveforms of characteristic oscillations of the mechanical system in the time domain were obtained. Their comparison with the theoretically obtained solving of mathematical models showed a satisfactory result. It was obtained digitized spectrum of characteristic oscillations of the mechanical system by applying fast Fourier transform to process the signal of oscillation sensors. It is further developed the method of verifying oscillatory spectrum that realized using wavelet transform in MathCad. These spectra can be used in determining the technical condition of mechanical drives for their vibroacoustic characteristics.

Author Biography

Петр Васильевич Дяченко, Cherkasy State Technological University, Shevchenka 460, Cherkassy, Ukraine, 18006

Candidate of Technical Science, Associate Professor

Department of Computer Science and Information Technology Management


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How to Cite

Дяченко, П. В. (2016). Experimental verification of validity of mathematical models of the oscillatory systems. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(2(27), 44–49. https://doi.org/10.15587/2312-8372.2016.58904