Development of automated system of iterative control of vehicle engine technical condition
iterative method, algorithm, parameter, technical conditionAbstract
The article describes the results of studies on the creation of automated system implemented an iterative method for monitoring vehicle engine technical condition, which allows to choose the right combination of control operations to reduce the time of diagnosis procedures. Diagnostic algorithm for automated control of vehicle engine technical condition is proposed. It is shows a part of the experimental data on the tests of automated system of iterative control. The main aim of these studies is to provide an automated control system and the algorithm of its work to be able to reduce production time required to carry out diagnostic operations and monitoring the technical condition of the internal combustion engine by using an iterative approach to the construction of diagnostic operations. The current diagnostic systems to evaluation of the technical condition of the internal combustion engine usually base on a consistent implementation of the developed diagnostic operations. This article discusses the possibility of optimizing the diagnostic operations by eliminating redundant information about the condition. It is proposed an iterative method for monitoring the vehicle engine technical condition. The method can significantly reduce the time of diagnosis and is sufficiently informative for the possibility of adopting diagnostician operator decision on the need for further maintenance or repair operations. The obtained results can be used in a commercial car service. The authors of this study suggest the use of an iterative method for the formation of a program of diagnostic tests for each type of engine.
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