Gravity attraction design
attractions, chute calculation, gravity chutes, motion equationAbstract
Multi-functional entertainment complexes are popular in the leisure industry. Gravity attractions are used for children's, family and extreme entertainment. Improving reliability and safety of the attractions on the basis of gravity chutes is a complex technical problem facing the designers and staff.
Modes of movement and force acting on the slides’ and attractions’ users to determine safe speeds and optimal geometric dimensions during their designing were considered and analyzed. Mathematical models were proposed. There are differential equations of motion obtained by analyzing the forces acting on the sliding object. The models make it possible to perform calculations of both the individual chute elements, and its operating parameters in general. On this basis, it can be possible to determine the trajectory, velocity of the objects that different in size, shape and surface properties are guaranteed to be safe for both visitors and staff serving them.
The practical application of the obtained mathematical models will ensure the safety of staff and users with optimal positive emotional effect.
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