Machine-building enterprises’ innovations for development mechanism development
innovations for development degree, expert system, innovations for development managementAbstract
Article analyzes the main features of machine-building enterprises’ innovations for development management. Due to the high level of innovations’ uncertainty and low economic situation predictability, it is necessary to build innovations for development management mechanism, which takes into account both the available statistical information and management experience. The conceptual model of enterprise innovative development is described. This model allows providing the coordinated work of all company functional units, getting competitive advantages due to complete meeting the demand and reducing the level of risk immanent to innovations. The paper presents a mathematical model of innovations for development evaluation, which reflects the relationship among sets of innovations for development factors in the context of its parts: innovative capacity and innovation process. Also decision-making expert system for management option choice: maintaining option, dynamic option, static option, and balanced development option based on input values is proposed. The author proposed innovations for development mechanism, which helps to maximize machine-building enterprises’ profit by identifying and practical usage of available reserves of innovations for development degree increase.
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