Research of essence of network transport associations as an economic category




network transport associations, interaction, networks, network structures, integration, consolidation


Research space in relation to the creation of integrated network transport associations is in the process of forming in the economic literature and needs improvement and expansion of existing categorical and conceptual framework.

An analysis of the literature was found a significant number of definitions of networks and network structures, which leads to the terminological ambiguity of concepts and lack of practical recommendations regarding the establishment and operation of the network transport associations. Based on this in the article it is developed the categorical and conceptual-terminological framework of creation and development of network transport associations.

As a historical category, network transport associations connected with historical periods of transport and network processes that began with the formation of a network of automotive, marine, rail and air routes. These new formations are considered as a philosophical category in the transport sector, which laid the basis for cooperation based on understanding its genesis, philosophical methods and interpretation. As a legal category, network transport associations operate in the existing legislative and regulatory field, which needs substantial revision and improvement. As an economic category, associations transport network are a set of property relations in the creation, exchange, distribution and consumption of a variety of properties, resources, experience and knowledge.

Presented results of research of the essence of network transport associations as historical, philosophical, legal and economic categories allow understanding the complexity of the relationships that arise in the process of their creation and development and forming the basis of the theory of network interaction of the companies of different modes of transport.

Author Biography

Олена Миколаївна Парубець, Chernihiv National University of Technology, 95 Shevchenka Str., 14027, Chernihiv

Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor

Department of Finance, Banking and Insurance


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How to Cite

Парубець, О. М. (2016). Research of essence of network transport associations as an economic category. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(3(27), 37–40.