Development of elements of parametric database for information model of construction projects
integration, computer models, parameterization, information modeling, design technology, computer-aided design, BIM-technologyAbstract
A database information system structure, which is designed to improve the integration of information about construction projects from different systems of computer-aided design and rapid access to data for display. On the basis of developed database structure in the SAPFIR-3D computer-aided design system has been developed subsystem of model integration, which gets a different model from CAD and structured their settings according to the formed model types.
Today the urgent task is structuring parameters of information model of construction projects, because on the one hand, there are a large number of CAD systems, which cover the majority of 90% of design problems, on the other – the communication mechanism between the programs has not yet been developed. This is due to the fact that in all these systems, the elements of the model are described in different ways and use of common formats of data integration (IFC, XML, DXF-DWG, PDF) leads to the transmission only part of the information about the object. Option of model transmission in incomplete form and fill in the missing parameter is time consuming and leads to a partial loss of information about the model.
As a result of the study were summarized and structured parameters of the elements of information models of construction projects, by means of what is solved the problem of heterogeneity of model information from different sources.
Developed database structure can be a basis for the implementation of the basic principle of BIM-technology, namely the formation of a single generalized parametric model of the construction projects.
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