Impact of destructive institutional imperatives on quality of life




institutional imperatives, corruption, shadowing, discreditation of institutions, quality of life


In spite of countless of studies and discussions on the importance of corruption and shadowing of socio-economic relations in the development of Ukrainian society, today in Ukraine is not implemented effective mechanisms that are able to prevent the formation of destructive institutional imperatives and improve quality of life. Essence of destructive institutional imperatives and their dialectical character are researched using institutional approach. As a result, formula for motivation of representatives of state institutional structures is proposed that will make it possible to form the conditions under which carrying on corruption and illegal activities in Ukraine will be less profitable. The results of research can be a basis in the formation of economic security strategies in the process of institutional transformation to overcome the corruption and reduce its impact on quality of life.

Author Biography

Марія Василівна Ковальчук, University of Customs and Finance, st. Dzerzhinsky 2/4, Dnipro, 49000


Department of International Economics


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How to Cite

Ковальчук, М. В. (2016). Impact of destructive institutional imperatives on quality of life. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(5(29), 31–36.