The project management of the building structure reengineering by the limits in all functional areas
reengineering in the building, project management, resource limits, functional areasAbstract
Management of repair and restore of the building objects is the object of this research. The main disadvantage of the object is a process management according to planned in advance, before the start, project network, which doesn’t take into account in the process of repairing and restoring the numerous effects of internal and external environments in the process of repair and restore that slowing and expensing the process and deteriorating the quality of its results.
At the same time it is shown that repair and restore of the building structures are almost always is their reengineering, has a unique and performed in conditions of significant restrictions on resources in all functional areas that makes this kind of activity as the project by definition and its management – project management.
A reengineering management method for the building is developed. It is based on the project approach in resource-limited conditions. The method allowed to evaluate and predict the reengineering in terms of not only purely technological constraints, but also taking into account the turbulent environmental impact in all functional areas.
A «REBUS» system for optimization and support of design decisions, as well as reducing the cost and timing of project work, was developed on the basis of the proposed method. It was implemented in Odessa «Geomoras» LTD (Ukraine) with the positive technical and economic effect. This effect was achieved by replacing an open-loop reengineering management (planned – realized) to the closed – loop (planned – realized under constant monitoring and intervention), which allowed to quickly predict, prevent and eliminate the consequences of all possible risks that accompany a real unique reengineering.
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Copyright (c) 2016 Алла Володимирівна Торопенко, Катерина Вікторівна Колесникова, Дарія Анатоліївна Монова, Олексій Вікторович Торопенко, Алі Осама Мохаммед Абу Шена

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