Development of the object-oriented model for the health losses analysis in the non-process building




non-process building structure, object-oriented model, heat losses, heat accumulating underfloor electric heating system


The object of research in this article is interconnected and interdependent thermal process in any complex architectural and constructive structure of non-process building. Today this process is poorly understood, and its experimental research is limited. At present there are no documented software systems for the theoretical study of the process. However, this process is substantially dependent on the conditions of human presence in the house and saving natural energy. The building structure is developed. The basic elements in this building are defined, and in each of them there are the same defining thermal processes (convection, heat conduction, radiant energy). Functional and object model heat losses analysis in the non-process building are developed within object-oriented methodology OMT (Object Modeling Techniques). The example is given for demonstration of the use of the results to analyze thermal process in the building with heat accumulating underfloor electric heating system. It is established that this heating system is very promising because it provides a more comfortable environment for humans (the temperature at the feet slightly higher than at the head). In addition, 46 % of the heat enters into the room of the building by radiant energy using this system. This means that we can significantly save resources in heating the air.

Author Biographies

Андрій Леонідович Єрохін, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Nauka ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Software Engineering

Георгій Альбертович Зацеркляний, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics, Nauka ave., 14, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61166


Department of Software Engineering


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How to Cite

Єрохін, А. Л., & Зацеркляний, Г. А. (2016). Development of the object-oriented model for the health losses analysis in the non-process building. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 5(1(31), 26–34.