The formation of the system of intellectual capital management at enterprises




intellectual capital of enterprises, departments of intellectual activity, functional blocks of intellectual activity


The function of planning in the system of management of intellectual activity at a company involves four types of plans for the training of the company personnel: thematic plan, plan-program, the plan of methodological support creation, current schedule that divides classes in time, and in space (in classrooms, workplaces and departments).

The function organization in the system of the management of intellectual activity in the company is studied. It is offered to be applicable to: adjustment, ordering, regulation of processes of intellectual activity, their technical equipment and software; creation of an organizational structure of intellectual activity of the enterprise.

The paramount meaning of the motivation in the system of managing intellectual activity is highlighted. It implements the needs of employees for: novelty, personal development, professional development, creativity, recognition, expert power.

It is proposed to organise in the structure of intellectual activity management the following functional blocks to carry out periodic and selective control: «educational activity», «information ensuring», «cognitive and creative activity», «economic and legal activity». The place of general intellectual processes in general activity of the company, their relationship with the production of material goods is determined. Modelling of advantages and disadvantages according to different types of organizational structure in the system of managing intellectual capital is made.

Author Biography

Kateryna Andriushchenko, Kyiv National Economics University named after Vadym Hetman, 54/1, Prospect Peremogy ave., Kyiv, Ukraine, 03680

Doctor of Economics Sciences, Professor of the Enterprise Economic Department


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How to Cite

Andriushchenko, K. (2017). The formation of the system of intellectual capital management at enterprises. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(4(34), 4–9.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research