Журнал "Контроль над тютюном й охорона громадського здоров'я у Східній Європі" та його перші два роки роботи
The Editorial Note overviews short history of TCPHEE, its current situation, and future plans. By the end of 2012, five issues have been published including three issues with full-text articles and two with conference proceedings. To date, original articles are the leading publication type (after abstracts), and English is the most frequent language of submissions. Authors originate from eight countries; TCPHEE has a slight majority of women among the authors and a large majority of men in the Editorial Board. Equal number of men and women provided peer-reviews of papers submitted to TCPHEE. Among the full-text manuscripts submitted to TCPHEE, 35% have been accepted. The papers submitted in 2012, if accepted, were published online within about two months after submission. TCPHEE is included in several abstracting systems and journal databases and has been visited by readers from 87 countries. To make interaction with the journal more convenient for both authors and reviewers, editors are going to switch to the online software of the Open Journal System in early 2013.
Andreeva, T. I. (2012). Differences by gender and education in responding to tobacco control measures implemented in Ukraine since 2005. [Original study]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 111-121. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/5869
Bakhturidze, G. D., Peikrishvili, N. T., Mittelmark, M. B., & Aarø, L. E. (2012). The public’s attitudes towards tobacco sales prohibitions: Evidence from a nationally representative survey in the former Soviet state of Georgia. [Original study]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 99-108. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/5961
Braillon, A., Mereau, A. S., & Dubois, G. (2012). Tobacco control policy in France: from war to compromise and collaboration [Original study]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 59-66. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/4887
How we get to know what we know about alcohol. Book review: Vladimir Lovchev. Alcohol in European Culture. (2012). [Book review]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 109-110. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/5310
Krasovsky, K. (2012). Tobacco taxation policy in three Baltic countries after the EU accession. [Original study]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 81-98. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/4891
Nordstrom, D. L. (2012). Obstacles and solutions to the generation and dissemination of scientific knowledge in poor countries. [Commentary]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 77-79. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/5294
Piekkala, A. (2012). Challenges of Public Health Education in the former Soviet Union: Example of Ukraine. [Original study]. Tobacco Control and Public Health in Eastern Europe, 2(2), 67-76. Retrieved from http://journals.uran.ua/tcphee/article/view/4888