Ways to implement the project-oriented model of cooperation between higher education institutions, IT-companies and agricultural enterprises in the implementation of information systems





multilateral cooperation of universities and business, practice-oriented training, consulting, labor market, information system Soft.Farm


The article presents multilateral model of effective interaction between universities and business companies. The main stages and mechanisms of the formation of the productive model of multilateral interaction between universities and business companies in the implementation into learning process of modern information systems, which are designed for the automatization of the production processes at the agricultural enterprises, are studied. Motivational, organizational, educational and other components of the common work areas of higher education institutions, software developers and enterprises are identified. The experiment is conducted by an example of using the Ukrainian information system for farmers Soft.Farm, which is based on «cloud technologies» and used in several directions: as a subject of study in the training off specialists in agronomy, promotion and introduction at enterprises with the practical training of managers and specialists, as well as the implementation of scientific advisory and marketing support for the developers of information systems, providing feedback in communication processes. It is confirmed that the effectiveness of the participant’s interaction is based on the identification and combining their multilateral common interests focused on the training of qualified specialists, the provision of consulting services to business companies (S2B and B2S models), and the training of end-users at enterprises under the implementation of information systems. In order to disseminate the acquired experience and transition to new levels of interaction, it is proposed to create separate innovation units in higher education institutions that will be engaged in the development of innovative projects, primarily in the IT field, with the participation of business companies, production enterprises and state organizations.

Author Biographies

Olena Kopishynska, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

PhD in Physics and Mathematics, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetic and Information Systems and Technologies

Yurii Utkin, Poltava State Agrarian Academy

PhD in Technics, Associate Professor, Department of Economic Cybernetic and Information Systems and Technologies


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Mathematical methods, models and information technologies in economics