Scientific and methodological basis of tourist services quality assessment
quality of tourist services, assessment methods, assessment criteria, tourism enterprises, classification of services assessment methods, tourist productAbstract
The article considers the quality assessment methods of tourist enterprise services. The authors conducted a research of scientific approaches and offered their own of assessing methodology scheme quality of tourist services quality. The main directions of tourist services quality assessment are determined and indicators which influence on the overall assessment of the tourists service quality are defined. It was determined that the indirect assessment of quality indicators is typical for goods and services of tourist destination. It was noted that the tourist product quality and service quality at tourism enterprises are latent indicators, i.e. they are immeasurable directly and described by a set of so-called characteristics-symptoms. Hence, the correct evaluation results can be obtained via a purely of comparative multivariate analysis methods. As a part for the quality assessing toolkit of the tourist product and the service quality at the tourist enterprises, it was proposed to use the taxonomic analysis method, which has a number of significant advantages compared with other methods of multivariate analysis. This methodology can serve as a basis for further management improvement of tourism enterprises services quality and also management decision making. It was determined that the management of tourism enterprises should be direct a quality management to the constant adaptation and perfecting of modern evaluating methods and improving the services quality, and also developing their own quality management systems, introducing international and national quality management standards with the purpose of profitability insuring of economic activity of own enterprises.
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