Interconnection of personnel reliability and personnel security in the organization management system




system-forming interconnections, staff reliability, personnel security, HR, structural elements of management subsystems


The article considers the foreign and domestic scientists approaches regarding the place and role definition of personnel reliability and personnel security in the management system in organization goals achieving a highly competitive market environment. The problem significance of ensuring the personnel reliability and personnel risks in the conditions of outflow from the country of highly qualified personnel and socio-economic tensions in society is proved. The points of view the specialists in the science various fields regarding the interpretation and meaningful content of the concepts of personnel reliability and personnel security are summarized. On the basis of an elemental components selection, the author’s interpretation of the system-forming interconnections of managerial subsystems of personnel security and personnel reliability is proposed. The structural elements selection of the specified management subsystems, namely the goals, functions, tasks, subjects and objects of management is substantiated. The circumstances, which create the preconditions for inadequate understanding of increased attention of personnel security ensuring, personnel reliability and the need for cooperation, and, at the same time, the management subsystems subject’s functions delimitation, are determined. The long-term measures regarding the modern approaches implementation to the widespread introduction of personnel reliability and personnel security managerial subsystems in the Ukrainian organizations practice are proposed. The research directions, which require the joint efforts of scientists and practitioners in various fields regarding the definition of modern approaches to the rationale and identification of relevant principles and methods for effective personnel security and reliability management systems developing, and then services reformatting, which should be ensure the management of organizations system effective functioning to improve of their competitiveness, are highlighted.

Author Biographies

Valeriy Nikiforenko, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Personnel Management and Labor Economics Department

Vera Kravchenko, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Professor of Management of Organizations and Foreign Economic Activities Department


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Demography, labor economics, social economy and politics