Features of the marketing function of subcontracting





industrial cooperation, subcontracting, marketing functions, communication and information technologies


One of the most promising ways out of crisis phenomena in the Ukrainian industry can be use of subcontracting relations between large-scale enterprises. A comparative analysis of the main forms of production cooperation was carried out, the role of subcontracting and the necessity of its application in modern market conditions is identified. The own definition of the «subcontracting» concept is given, which, in comparison with previous interpretations, takes into account market changes in the conditions of a digital economy and it is based on information and communication technologies. The world experience of subcontracting relations in the Europe, America and Japan countries is analyzed, and their modern classifications and classification marks, which allow determining the future own development vector of subcontracting for Ukrainian entrepreneurship. The inclusion of an additional classification attribute «use of information technologies by subcontracting participants» along with the previous ones, such as «criterion for selecting an executor of an order», «duration of relations between the cooperation partners», and «structure of cooperative relations building», is proposed. The own vision of methodical principles for economic effect determining of introducing subcontracting, which previously did not take into account the marketing component of functioning (marketing research costs, information and subcontracting partners search, internet-marketing, marketing audit and other services (insurance, consulting, certification, etc.). The prospects for further development, which consist in the marketing and analytical function of subcontracting use, the services creation and promotion with order to increase the economic effect of subcontracting use, which is a new the development vector of this form of industrial cooperation, are considered.

Author Biographies

Irina Lytovchenko, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Head of Marketing Department

Yana Avdiienko, Odessa National Economic University

Lecturer of Marketing Department


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity