Diagnostics of financial and economic sustainability of enterprise on a cash flow basis


  • Oleksandr Yankovyi Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine
  • Galina Koshelek Odessa National Economic University, Ukraine




financial sustainability, cash flows, financial cycle, operational cycle, cash flow, inflow, outflow


The article considers financial and economic sustainability of enterprise from different perspectives, its types and factors that influence it. The approaches to the diagnosis of financial sustainability of the enterprise are briefly examined. The problems arising in carrying out of diagnostics of financial sustainability are determined. It is noted that it is possible to carry out the diagnostics of financial sustainability of the enterprise by means of cash flows. The study proposes to use cycles that can be characterized not only by the criteria of turnover, but also taking into account cash flows. It is proved that it is possible to conduct a diagnosis of financial sustainability using operational and financial cycles. Information provision for making the calculations is the financial statements of enterprise.

Author Biographies

Oleksandr Yankovyi, Odessa National Economic University

Doctor in Economics, Professor, Head of Department of Enterprise Economics and Business Organization

Galina Koshelek, Odessa National Economic University

PhD in Economics, Associate Professor, Department of Enterprise Economics and Business Organization


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