Innovative development of enterprises in the context of activity diversification




innovative development of enterprises, diversification of activity, competition, entrepreneurial risks, competitive advantages, performance criteria


The article investigates the importance of enterprises innovative development in modern economic conditions. It is determined that sustained innovative development will allow the enterprise to successfully operate in the market environment and effectively use own resources in the long term. The subject of study is an enterprise activity diversification. The purpose of article is to investigate of activity diversification in the context of providing an enterprises innovative development in modern economic conditions. The basic principles of enterprise innovative development managing are summarized. It is proved that the diversification strategy is an important direction of enterprises innovative development. The functioning of the enterprise in a competitive environment in the rapid technological changes era requires constant adaptation and monitoring of activity directions effectiveness. Diversification of activity is becoming a necessary means of expanding the scope of investment, ensuring of the enterprise sustainability and reducing risks level. Different approaches to the classification of activity diversification are generalized. The main reasons for the entrepreneurial activity diversification are investigated. It has been determined that, regardless of activity direction, in modern conditions of functioning, the achievement of the effectiveness of a diversification strategy is possible only with the active use of innovative developments in the selected directions. The system of efficiency criteria of the enterprise activity diversification is proposed, taking into account not only the current profitability and performance, as well as strategic prospects and changes in the competitive position in the market. The main criteria include: profitability; improving the quality of products (services); reduction of entrepreneurial risks; activation of innovative development; improving the quality of production technology (services); creating sustainable competitive advantages; the development of new industries and fields of activity; growth of the enterprise market value

Author Biography

Valentyna Semenova, Odessa National Economics University

Doctor of Economics, Professor, Нead of Enterprise Economics and Entrepreneurship Activity Organization Department


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Marketing, entrepreneurship, trade and stock exchange activity