Effective employment of youth: theoretical aspects and factors of influence
effective employment, youth, social efficiency, economic efficiency, influencing factors, skills, value orientationsAbstract
The article considers the theoretical and methodological aspects of determining the effective employment of young people in terms of modern market transformations in the country. It is determined that this issue is especially relevant in the context of changing the labor market paradigm under the influence of the global pandemic and the active development of new forms of employment (separate work, mixed schedule, use of interactive employment), which to a greater extent affects the interests of young people as the most active part of the labor market. The main approaches to the definition of «effective employment» are analyzed and it is emphasized that such employment, along with economic, also reflects the socio-economic and socio-psychological performance of labor, its environmental aspects. The main aspects of the definition and indicators of evaluation of effective employment at the level of the state, enterprise and individual are studied. It is determined that regardless of the level of measurement of effective employment, it should combine social and economic efficiency for both society and the individual (youth). Based on a study of opinion polls conducted in different years among young people, it was concluded that for this category of population to achieve effective employment is important and, given the significant human potential at the beginning of working life, necessary. Considering the achievement of effective youth employment from a practical standpoint, the necessary skills to realize the human potential of youth and success in the labor market were studied. The advantages and obstacles for young people in the labor market in the process of achieving effective employment are considered. The analysis of various factors influencing youth employment is carried out. It is determined that depending on the connection with the external environment, the factors influencing the effective employment of young people at the regional level can be divided into external and internal. The influence of external factors is analyzed. The main directions of youth policy on effective employment are formulated.
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