Application or case management when providing social assistance to war veterans and their family members in Ukraine




social assistance to veterans and family members, case management, Reintegration


 The article examines modern challenges related to the provision of social assistance to war veterans and their family members in Ukraine, taking into account the large-scale social consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian war. As of today, a large number of veterans, their families and loved ones are faced with complex requests that require an integrated approach to resolution. It is emphasized that after the end of the war, up to 10% of the population of Ukraine will be in contact with veteran services, which requires the reform of state policy and the creation of a quality support system.

The author of the article focuses on the relevance of the use of case management as a modern tool of social work, which allows to ensure a comprehensive and coordinated approach to the provision of services. Existing practices and developments in Ukraine are analyzed, in particular the activities of the "Veteran Hub" charitable foundation, which created a network of support for veterans, their families and loved ones. State initiatives, such as the pilot project "Veteran's Assistant" and the development of a draft concept of a new veteran policy, which is intended to become the basis of the national strategy until 2030, are also considered.

 Special attention is paid to the international experience of reintegration of veterans into civilian life, which takes into account local characteristics, the nature of armed conflicts and the social context. The Ukrainian approach to the development and implementation of such programs needs to take into account the results of research that reveal the main needs of veterans. In particular, the 2024 survey indicates a high demand for educational, psychological, legal, and medical services, as well as for support in the field of employment and improvement of living conditions.

The author emphasizes that the effectiveness of support depends on a comprehensive approach that combines individualized support of veterans with interagency coordination and adaptation of world standards to Ukrainian realities. The article emphasizes that case management plays a key role in facilitating the reintegration of veterans, ensuring the quality of public services and reducing the time it takes to resolve requests. This technique is an effective tool in areas such as the transition from military service to civilian life, psychological rehabilitation, employment and social adaptation.

Author Biography


candidate of the second (master's) level of higher education, "Priazov State Technical University" Dnipro

