Prevention of professional burnout of social workers in territorial social service centers
professional burnout, prevention, social workers, support, exhaustion, martial lawAbstract
The purpose of the article: to determine the level of professional burnout among social workers of territorial social service centers using the example of the CU "DMTCSO(NSP)" of the DMR in the Central district of the city of Dnipro, to analyze the features of this phenomenon and offer recommendations for its prevention.
During the study, the level of professional burnout was determined among social workers of the CU "DMTCSO(NSP)" of the Dnipro City Council of the city of Dnipro, who work with the elderly during martial law.
The study determined that social workers with signs of professional burnout syndrome are characterized by a special cause-and-effect chain with the following components: emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and reduction of personal achievements.
It is noted that the system for preventing "professional burnout" should include diagnostics of mental states, consulting work under the guidance of a psychologist or independently, attending specialized trainings aimed at emotional balance, and developing individual plans for using psychological techniques that contribute to balancing the psycho-emotional state of a social worker.