
  • П. О. Кобилін V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, Ukraine



trade service, retail trade, cluster analysis, Ward’s method, Euclidian distance, social infrastructure, associating, uniqueness


The article analyzes spatial and temporal aspects of the population trade service development in Kharkiv region using cluster analysis. The definition of cluster analysis is given to be a method of the multidimensial classification of objects for defining groups of objects having similarity by certain features and differing from each other. For the clusters joining the Ward’s method was selected based on the analysis of variance, and the Euclidian distance was chosen to define the measure of cluster similarity. For the research implementation 123 indicators were selected characterizing trade activity and restaurant business institutions per 2007-2013 by districts and cities of regional subordination. Based on the results of cluster the analysis of grouping was conducted separately for districts and cities of regional subordination per each year of the studied period. Four groups of districts were identified in 2013. These groups are selected based on a number of trade objects, population, urbanization level. During 2007-2013 Kharkiv and a number of depressive, rural districts were not changing their place in groups, other ones were moved from one group into another one during the different years. The districts were identified to be the most unique (Kharkivsky, Dergachivsky, Chuguivsky distrtcts) and the most associated (Shevchekivsky, Barvinkivsky, Bluznukivsky districts).

Author Biography

П. О. Кобилін, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University

Senior Lecturer


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