Structure of self-education of music teachers in postgraduate education


  • Irina Dubrovina Pavlo Tychina Uman State Pedagogical University 2 Gardening str., Uman, Ukraine, 20300, Ukraine



self-education activities, structure, activity, problem, the system of postgraduate education


The article outlines the problem of continuing education of teachers in the current system of postgraduate education. It reveals the structure of self-education of teachers; an implementation algorithm of self-education activities of teachers is outlined, and the category of "problem" is analyzed as a scientific problem. The levels of self-education of teachers in postgraduate education are defined. The criteria for self-education skills of a modern teacher are analyzed. The process of mastering the structure and content for self-education

Author Biography

Irina Dubrovina, Pavlo Tychina Uman State Pedagogical University 2 Gardening str., Uman, Ukraine, 20300

postgraduate student

Department of choreography and artistic culture


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