Value potential of ukrainian national musical image
values, educative influence of the music art, Ukrainian national music image, national self-determinationAbstract
In the article is analyzed the value potential of Ukrainian national music image from the point of view of its abilities to educative influence on person. There is accented that value educative abilities of the music composition are just embodied in the artistic image. So it is reasonable to consider the image as the main factor that actively influences on emotional and value component of the personal internal structure and through the immediate response that person gives on it influences on the other components – behavioral and active, rational and cognitive ones. There are considered the special features of Ukrainian national music image that flow out of the main characteristics of the national mentality and determine its main features, namely: anteism and cordocentrism. The main components of embodiment of this image are the exclusively music langue (rhythm-, genres) and the image itself is considered as the main factor of forming the certain personal qualities that actively influences on emotional and value component of the personal internal structure. Rhythm and intonation bases of the music image are the peculiar emotional and psychological concept of the national cultural self-expression and just because of the such its nature it have the great influence on psychological and ideological processes of forming the personal value world
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