Investigation of classical-romantic traditions in the early piano compositions of A. Lubchenko




classic-romantic style, traditions, musical forms, harmonic means, melodic expression of the thematism, pianism


The classic-romantic tendencies of early piano concerts of the composer, pianist, conductor, laureate of international competitions Anton Lubchenko are considered in the article. There have been noticed genre preferences, style, harmonic means, melodic expression of the thematism. The stylistic features of the concerts are disclosed in the author's focus on the theme-melody as the main medium of figurative content, the classic ways of form organization, tonal thinking in a twelve-tone scale

Author Biographies

Mariya Kalashnyk, G. S. Skovoroda Kharkiv National Pedagogical University Alchevskyh str., 29, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61002

Doctor of Arts, Professor, Head of Department, Honored Art Worker of Ukraine

Department of Music and instrumental preparation

Yurii Novikov, Michail Glinka Dnipropetrovsk Academy of Music Lyvarna str., 10, Dnipro, Ukraine, 49044

Professor, Rector, Honored Artist of Ukraine


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Art Studies