Analysis of the functional state of red blood cells in patients with surgical pathology of the aorta after surgical intervention using cardiopulmonary bypass (cogortant prospective research)




functional state of erythrocytes, surgical aortic pathology, artificial blood circulation


The aim is to analyse the functional state of red blood cells in patients with surgical pathology of the aorta after surgical intervention using cardiopulmonary bypass.

Materials and Methods. 118 patients with surgical aortic pathology (SAP) were examined. Patients were divided into 2 groups. Group I included 46 patients who were additionally prescribed a solution of meglumin sodium succinate (reamberin), group II included 46 patients who were additionally assigned a solution of D-fructose-1,6-diphosphate sodium hydrate (esophosphine). Erythrocyte indices were analyzed: MCV (mean erythrocyte volume), MCH (mean hemoglobin in erythrocyte), MCHC (mean hemoglobin concentration in erythrocyte mass) and RDW (erythrocyte mean volume ratio).

Result. When analyzing the dynamics of the indicator of the width of the distribution of erythrocytes by volume (coefficient of the average volume of the erythrocyte) in the blood of patients with groups K, I and II, no significant differences were found between the groups. Despite the absence of statistically significant differences in the RDW index between the groups on a daily basis and in comparison with the starting values, nevertheless, in patients of group II, the recovery of its numbers was faster compared to others. Considering that patients of group II differed in prescribing an additional substance to the main treatment protocol - D-fructose-1,6-diphosphate sodium hydrate salt - its pharmacodynamic effect can be considered positive for the erythrocyte membrane elasticity, their elasticity and hemolytic resistance.

Conclusions. It can be argued that the mere fact of anesthesia support using cardiopulmonary bypass negatively affects the state of erythrocyte indices: МСV, МСН, МСНС, RDW. The study provides a vector for the appointment during surgery additional pharmacological substances that would have a positive impact on these indicators

Author Biographies

Kyrylo Khyzhniak, Kharkiv National Medical University Nauky ave., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

Postgraduate Student

Department of Critical Care Medicine, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Yuliya Volkova, Kharkiv National Medical University Nauky ave., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

MD, Head of Department

Department of Critical Care Medicine, Anesthesiology and Intensive Care

Kateryna Sharlai, Kharkiv National Medical University Nauky ave., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022

PhD, Assistant

Department of critical care medicine, anesthesiology and intensive care


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How to Cite

Khyzhniak, K., Volkova, Y., & Sharlai, K. (2019). Analysis of the functional state of red blood cells in patients with surgical pathology of the aorta after surgical intervention using cardiopulmonary bypass (cogortant prospective research). ScienceRise: Medical Science, (4 (31), 35–39.



Medical Science