Experimental investigations of the parameters of the jet milk homogenizer with separate cream supply
jet homogenizer, separate cream supply, cream supply channel, diameter of fat globulesAbstract
The jet milk homogenizer provides the cream supply in the right amount for normalization of the mixture, grinding of the fat globules and their uniform distribution in the volume of the milk plasma. In the process of technological audit, the following drawbacks are identified: lack of devices to maintain a constant temperature, low resolution of a digital camera and a microscope. In addition, it is necessary to investigate the nature of the influence of the flow and fat content of cream on the average size of fat globules.
In order to level out the identified drawbacks, it is planned to increase the time of the experiment in order to exclude the possible influence on the results at the initial and final stages of each experiment. In addition, at the next stage of the study, it is planned to determine the nature of the relationship between cream supply, fat content and average size of fat globules after homogenization.
The experimental studies of a jet milk homogenizer with a separate cream supply shows the values of the factors at which the grinding is carried out to the level of valve homogenizers. The average size of fat globules at a level of 0.85 microns is provided with a diameter of the cream supply channel equal to 0.6 mm and the distance of the central channel at the site of the maximal narrowing of 2 mm. It is determined that the nature of the relationship between the skim milk rate is the main factor of grinding and the average size of fat globules is directly proportional.
The nature of the relationship between decrease in the size of fat globules is determined as increase in skim milk rate, the nature of which can be explained by an increase in Weber's criterion. Its growth leads to an increase in the magnitude of the tangential stress, the extracted droplet in the ribbon-like body, which subsequently collapses into a large number of small elements. This confirms the hypothesis of destruction when creating the maximum phase rate difference realized in the design of a jet milk homogenizer with a separate cream supply.
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Copyright (c) 2017 Alexandr Kovalyov, Kyrylo Samoichuk, Nadiya Palyanichka, Valentуna Verkholantseva, Valeriy Yanakov

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