Substantiation of organizational and economic complex for increase of social responsibility of business in Ukraine




social responsibility, mutual interests, corporate ethics, production ecologization, social audit


The object of research is the organizational and economic processes of socialization of Ukrainian business. One of the most problematic areas is the formation of an adequate strategy for the behavior of Ukrainian business in terms of the burden on the environment and limiting the negative impact on ecosystems.

In the course of the research, such methods of scientific research were used: bibliographic; monographic; method of logical generalization; calculated; comparative and system approach method.

The dynamics of Ukraine's position on the Global Competitiveness Index is analyzed, which also takes into account social initiatives of business. It is established that despite positive trends, the initiative in taking on the companies' obligations for sustainable development and responsibility to the society since 2016 in Ukraine tends to decrease.

It is determined that the advantages of a socially responsible business policy for an enterprise are:

  • growth of the company's positive image;
  • improving the quality of business management;
  • increase of professionalism and development of personnel potential;
  • increase of investment attractiveness;
  • creation of mutually beneficial relations with the authorities;
  • possibility of obtaining additional benefits;
  • expansion of partnerships in the business environment;
  • ensuring financial security.

In order to increase the social responsibility of business in Ukraine, it is necessary to implement the following activities:

  • carrying out environmental and social audit;
  • reforming the reporting system in accordance with international standards and practices;
  • municipal partnership;
  • formation of a system for informing the public about social and charitable projects;
  • organization of an independent public examination of social projects;
  • adaptation of the world experience of social entrepreneurship.

Economic instruments for solving this issue are proposed, namely: the provision of preferences for socially-oriented business; material responsibility for harming the social interests of society; environmental insurance; development of proposals of local authorities on the programs of social development of regions.

Thanks to the interaction of the state and entrepreneurship on the principles of partnership, as well as the imitation of successful experience in introducing socially-oriented standards of doing business in companies from different countries of the world, the prerequisites for sustainable development will be created. These prerequisites are based on the responsibility of business entities to the environment and society. At the same time, a positive impact will not only be on society and the environment, but will also contribute to improving the economic efficiency of the business due to the growth of public confidence.

Author Biographies

Vira Klochan, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, 9, Georgiya Gongadze str., Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54020

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Accounting and Taxation

Alla Kostyrko, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, 9, Georgiya Gongadze str., Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54020

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Accounting and Taxation

Nadiya Bobrovskaya, Mykolayiv National Agrarian University, 9, Georgiya Gongadze str., Mykolayiv, Ukraine, 54020

PhD, Senior Lecturer

Department of Accounting and Taxation


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How to Cite

Klochan, V., Kostyrko, A., & Bobrovskaya, N. (2017). Substantiation of organizational and economic complex for increase of social responsibility of business in Ukraine. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(4(40), 12–18.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research