Development of the method of selecting innovative ideas for following commercialization on the basis of the innovative supermarket
innovative supermarket, technique of selection of innovative ideas, evaluation criteria of selection of innovative ideasAbstract
The object of research is innovative and investment processes at Ukrainian enterprises. One of the most problematic places is the presence of quite a few disparate approaches and methods for selecting and evaluating innovative ideas, it does not allow to agree on the parameters of the supply of innovations with the parameters of their demand and inhibits the processes of commercialization of science.
In the course of research, the composition of the evaluation criteria for selecting innovative ideas for further commercialization was justified. The methodology of the State Agency of Ukraine for Investments and Development was used as a basis. According to this methodology, the Competition Committee on the selection of innovative and investment projects to finance them at the expense of the State Innovative Financial and Credit Institution checks for compliance with the following criteria: scientific and technical, production, market, financial and economic, social and ecological.
In order to facilitate the comparative evaluation of innovative ideas at the stage of their pre-selection, it is proposed to carry out an integrated evaluation of ideas based on the generalization of single criteria for meeting the requirements of an innovative project in an integrated index. To increase the level of validity and objectivity of the results of the integrated evaluation, the authors developed a system of weight coefficients of single criteria for the correspondence of innovative ideas to the requirements of an innovative project:
- first, to obtain a weighted level of indicators, which are established by expert evaluation of the significance of the relevant indicators in the aggregated evaluation criterion;
- secondly, based on the weight of each criterion of the evaluation system, establish the overall level of compliance of the innovative project with the requests of experts from the innovative supermarket.
Based on the results of an expert evaluation of the relative importance of one criterion over others, a matrix of pairwise comparisons of the criteria of innovative projects was constructed at the stage of their pre-selection. The proposed weighting factors will ensure an increase in the accuracy of evaluation results and objectivity of management decisions taken on their basis.
The proposed methodology allows for a comprehensive evaluation of the compliance of submitted applications with the criteria for the practical implementation of an innovative supermarket.
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