Development of methodical approach to the analysis of integration risks in the project of creation of the logistics center




, project of creating a logistics center, integration risks, qualitative analysis of project risks


The object of the research is the project of a logistics center, which is considered as an organizational and production integrated complex system, the main task of which is provision of the conditions for the integration of various objects of logistical and related infrastructure in one territory. This provides an opportunity to improve the movement of logistic flows.

One of the most problematic places is the lack of a project-oriented approach in the creation of a logistics center, which is characterized by a large number of participants, changing throughout its life cycle. This leads to the emergence of integration project risks, for the prevention of which it is necessary to develop an approach to qualitative risk analysis that takes into account the specific features of the research object.

In the course of the study, the concept of "integration project risk" is defined and a sequence of qualitative analysis of integration risks in the project of creating a logistics center is also developed, which consists of using quality management methods, namely: Pareto analysis, ABC analysis and Ishikawa cause-and-effect analysis. The application of methods of qualitative analysis is carried out in a logical sequence. The output data obtained from the previous analysis is the input for the next stage of the study.

The obtained results of a qualitative risk analysis allow at the initial stage of the project to increase the impact on its results by reducing the degree of integration risks. In particular, the Pareto analysis is proposed to be used to identify the main reasons for the emergence of integration risks for the project of creating a logistics center. ABC-analysis allows to identify project participants who have the greatest number of integration ties.  Therefore, the withdrawal of such a participant from the project will bring the greatest violations of integration between the elements of the system. The Ishikawa cause-and-effect analysis makes it possible to identify the causes of the disruption of integration ties between the project participants and to determine the least powerful integration ties between the participants.

Consequently, using of the proposed sequence of qualitative analysis will identify the project participants who are most vulnerable to the impact of integration risks and determine the power of integration ties between them. This, in turn, will allow taking measures to prevent the approaching of integration risks in the project of creating a logistics center.

Author Biographies

Tetiana Kovtun, Odessa National Maritime University, 34, Mechnikov str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65029

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Logistic Systems and Projects Management

Tetiana Smokova, Odessa National Maritime University, 34, Mechnikov str., Odessa, Ukraine, 65029


Department of Logistic Systems and Projects Management


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How to Cite

Kovtun, T., & Smokova, T. (2018). Development of methodical approach to the analysis of integration risks in the project of creation of the logistics center. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 3(2(41), 24–28.



Systems and Control Processes: Original Research