Modeling of the optimal composition of the enterprise technical development program
technical development program, fuzzy sets, project value, goals, scope managementAbstract
The object of this research is the program of technical development of the enterprise. This research is devoted to the problem of forming the optimal composition of a technical development program within the framework of its scope management on the basis of the concept of a value approach, according to which the project’s value is its compliance with the development goals. The principle of forming the composition of a technical development program is based on ensuring the maximization of the program’s value in terms of a given set of technical development goals.
A method for assessing the value of technical development projects has been developed, based on the use of fuzzy sets, as a result of which two assessments of the project value are formed – the project's contribution to the achievement of each goal from a variety of goals and the degree of this contribution. Such approach allows one to take into account not only the fuzzy meaning of the results, but also to take into account in the processes of program formation the “uncertainty” degree of the overall result in terms of each goal.
Description of a quantitative assessment of the synergy effect is formalized in terms of the theory of fuzzy sets that arises from the joint implementation of projects within the program, which allows a greater confidence degree to evaluate the result of the program.
A model has been developed for the formation of the optimal composition of a technical development program taking into account the value of projects and the system effect (synergy) of their joint implementation within the program. The model provides for the ranking of goals, which is used when establishing minimum boundaries for the achievement degree of a particular goal, which corresponds to the actual process of selecting projects in practice.
Using the proposed approach to assessing the contribution of projects to achieving goals, as well as a model for optimizing the composition of the program, it is possible to form a program from a proposed set of projects. At the same time, the achievement of goals is ensured to the maximum extent, taking into account the uncertainty of both the conditions for the implementation of projects and their results.
The application of the proposed model can be extended to programs of various orientations.
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