Selection of horizon for forecasting innovative development of industrial enterprise




indicators of assessment of enterprise competitiveness, weight of complex index, material factors of product characteristics


The object of research is a complex self-regulating socio-economic meso-level system: enterprise. The article deals with industrial enterprise as a complex self-regulating management system of socio-economic factors. The heart of their management is based on the factors of state regulation that require special scientific analysis to improve the infrastructure for their provision. There is a problem of managing of the object-subject region – industrial enterprises.

Considering the categories of economic development and economic growth as objects of research and regulation, let’s admit the theoretical and practical prevalence of the first of them. Philosophical and economic thought formulates development as an irreversible, forward-looking, natural change in material and ideal objects. Only the simultaneous presence of all three distinguished properties distinguishes development processes among other changes. The inverse nature of changes characterizes the processes of functioning (cyclical reconstruction of a constant system of functions). The absence of a pattern is characteristic of random processes of a catastrophic type. In the absence of directivity, changes cannot accumulate and, therefore, the process is deprived of a single, interdependent line characteristic of development.

The research provides an analysis of institutional and legislative support in the selection of the horizon for forecasting innovative development of enterprises, where insufficiently investigated factors of self-organization, self-management and self-regulation of social and economic factors are revealed. The conglomerate of research is the approaches to the analysis of the competitiveness of enterprises, which are the strategic goal of their innovative development. Based on the system-structural analysis, classification and methodological generalization, the problem of designing the mechanisms of innovative and strategic development of the industrial enterprises are highlighted.

The development of a balanced sound development strategy should consist in the:

  • complex linking of issues of focus and economic growth;
  • identifying and managing its determining factors;
  • forecasting sustained growth of the macro system.

With sufficient study of the above management problems, it is possible bring the competitiveness of enterprises to a higher level.

Author Biographies

Sergey Voit, Alfred Nobel University, 18, Naberezhna Sicheslavska str., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Senior Researcher

Scientific Research Institute for the Development of Economics and Society

Dmitriy Alimov, Alfred Nobel University, 18, Naberezhna Sicheslavska str., Dnipro, Ukraine, 49000

Postgraduate Student


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How to Cite

Voit, S., & Alimov, D. (2018). Selection of horizon for forecasting innovative development of industrial enterprise. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(44), 16–22.



Economics and Enterprise Management: Original Research