Autonomous underwater vehicles group control in the maritime search operations implementation
autonomous underwater vehicle, group control, automated control system, maritime search operationsAbstract
The applied scientific problem of automated control of group motion of autonomous unmanned underwater vehicles during maritime search operations was considered in the paper. General principles of building the systems of automation control of a group of self-propelled autonomous underwater vehicles under the uncertainty of environment characteristics and non-stationarity of underwater vehicles parameters were given. The features of organization of autonomous underwater vehicles group operation when performing maritime searching works, the main tasks of automated control of a single vehicle-agent and a group of underwater vehicles, the requirements for algorithms of their collective behavior were studied. The task of synthesis of the system of automatic control of the group of underwater vehicles was formulated as the selection of sensor, communication and actuating capabilities of autonomous vehicle-agents and the development of algorithms for their collective behavior was elaborated. The synthesis of the system of automated control of the group of underwater vehicles was proposed to conduct by defining the target function of the group and individual vehicle-agents and developing the algorithms of their collective behavior during the overall underwater mission.References
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