Design of new food for diet purposes according to consumer preferences




consumer properties, meat product, dietary product, quality house, QFD methodology


The article studies the design of a new meat product of dietary use in accordance with consumer preferences. The object of research is potential consumers of meat products. 210 people who participated in the experiment were practically healthy, 390 people had certain diseases. Namely: 109 people with iodine deficiency states, 154 people with celiac disease, 127 people with type 2 diabetes. The subject of research is their consumer preferences. Analyzing the survey data, it is found that consumers' conscious requirements for a new meat product of dietary use are dietary properties and usual organoleptic characteristics, long shelf life and low price of the finished product. Not aware of the requirements is a natural composition that is balanced depending on dietary purpose, the presence of safe functional ingredients and the absence of negative effects on the body. It has been established that when producing meat products for patients with celiac disease, wheat flour should be completely excluded from the formulations of meat products, replacing it with gluten-free flours, soybean chickpeas, which will enrich meat products with essential amino acids. Such a replacement is also appropriate for people with diabetes, where the amount of easily digestible carbohydrates should be limited. As for the consumer preferences of people with iodine deficiency, the representatives of this segment want to consume meat products that are carriers of organic iodine and selenium with reduced salt content. The application of the QFD methodology will minimize the discrepancy between the meat product manufacturer and the consumer's requirements for the product after its launch. And will ensure high value and at the same time relatively low cost of the product by minimizing the cost of correcting the discrepancy.

Author Biographies

Yana Biletska, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University Svobody sq., 4, Kharkiv, Ukraina, 61022


Department of International E-commerce and Hotel and Restaurant Business

Olha Bilovska, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022


Department of International E-commerce and Hotel and Restaurant Business

Аnna Zaitseva, V. N. Karazin Kharkiv National University, 4, Svobody sq., Kharkiv, Ukraine, 61022


Department of International Economic Relations named after Arthur Golikov


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How to Cite

Biletska, Y., Bilovska, O., & Zaitseva А. (2019). Design of new food for diet purposes according to consumer preferences. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(50), 21–25.