Software tools of teacher’s working time optimization in grading system


  • Олена Миколаївна Гумен National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
  • Наталія Ярославівна Коломієць National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
  • Ганна Миколаївна Смаковська National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine
  • Олена Владиславівна Коломієць National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056, Ukraine



grading, optimization, programming, grading system, working time


The working time of teachers is becoming more intense, and its rational use is very important. The workload is increasing from year to year as a result of increased norms – a number of students per teacher, constant scientific and technological progress and, unfortunately, decreased training level of students at secondary schools. With the introduction of the Bologna system teachers also spend some time calculating the students' grading, while the duration of practical and laboratory classes remains unchanged. To optimize the use of working time a simple, easy to use and universal program for calculating the students’ grading is proposed. The proposed program calculates the total number of points got for each subject, adds bonus points and, depending on the sum of points, determines the corresponding point in the ECTS.

Author Biographies

Олена Миколаївна Гумен, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056

Doctor of engineering, Professor

Department of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics

Наталія Ярославівна Коломієць, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056


Department of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics

Ганна Миколаївна Смаковська, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute" Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056


Department of descriptive geometry, engineering and computer graphics

Олена Владиславівна Коломієць, National Technical University of Ukraine "Kyiv Polytechnic Institute " Peremohy 37, Kyiv, 03056

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How to Cite

Гумен, О. М., Коломієць, Н. Я., Смаковська, Г. М., & Коломієць, О. В. (2013). Software tools of teacher’s working time optimization in grading system. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(3(14), 36–37.