Simulation of accidents and their liquidation in ergatic systems


  • Рази Джабур Аль-Азави Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166, Ukraine



Markov chain, Kolmogorov equations, maximum entropy


A “Man-machine-environment” system with safeguard subsystem is considered. It is subjected to either classic or unstable flow of events natural or man-made disasters with various densities. The process of liquidation the accident in all these models runs in several stages with different intensities each. These phases can be repeated in the case of "multi-catastrophes". In the presented Markovian model probability of changes in health of an operator is found using the principle of maximizing the information entropy – the so called “second law of synergetics”. The average temperature of the human's body is suggested as health criterion, and its maximal probability is found. In spite of the system is open, the computational experiments show that such approach may be used. It fits the conditions of practice. The stability time of the process and the value of changing the dynamic model to stationary one are estimated. The safety criterion of situation that is the ratio of the average time between failures and mean time of recovery is introduced and investigated.

Author Biography

Рази Джабур Аль-Азави, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics Lenina 14, Kharkov, Ukraine, 61166

Postgraduate of Applied Mathematics Department


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How to Cite

Аль-Азави, Р. Д. (2013). Simulation of accidents and their liquidation in ergatic systems. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(4(14), 39–40.



Mathematical Modeling - Applied Aspects