Modelling the project transport support optimal option




infrastructure projects, project risks, project network schedule, vehicles, project product, project life cycle


The object of research is the processes of planning transport provision of projects. The vast majority of projects involve the creation of tangible objects as a product. The implementation of such projects is associated with the use of various types of materials and equipment, which necessitates transport services for the functioning of the project logistics system. Vehicles with different characteristics can be used to solve the same transportation problems. Also, for large-scale infrastructure projects, rental of vehicles is often used for the duration of the project. This allows, on the one hand, to save on transportation costs, on the other hand, to gain complete control over the transportation processes in the project.

As a research result, an optimization model has been developed for determining the option of transport support for the project. The variant of transport support of the project is understood as a set of combinations of types and types of vehicles, their characteristics and conditions of use in the project for the work of the project that provide for transport services. Acquisition, lease or transport services from the project suppliers are considered as conditions for the use of vehicles in the project.

The optimization criterion is the cost of transport support, taking into account their possible increase, as well as the potential risks of losses associated with the failure to complete the work. Constraints take into account costs, time to receive a project product, and availability of transportation options.

Experimental calculations, a fragment of which is presented in the research, demonstrated the efficiency of the developed model, its adequacy and reliability of the results obtained with its help.

The area of practical use of the model is making decisions about transportation at the stage of project planning. The model allows for «what-if» experiments, which reflect various scenarios that are possible in the transportation of the project. And this, in turn, allows at the stage of project planning to assess the possible risks associated with transportation, and to establish their impact on the project as a whole.

Author Biographies

Svitlana Rusanova, Odessa National Maritime University


Department of Port Operating and Handling Technologies

Varvara Piterska, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Port Operating and Handling Technologies

Svitlana Onyshchenko, Odessa National Maritime University

Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor, Director

Educational and Scientific Institute of Marine Business


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How to Cite

Rusanova, S., Piterska, V., & Onyshchenko, S. (2021). Modelling the project transport support optimal option. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 1(2(57), 43–48.



Systems and Control Processes: Reports on Research Projects