The improvement of method for the multi-criteria evaluation of the effectiveness of the control of the structure and parameters of interference protection of special-purpose radio communication systems
military radio communication, multicriteria evaluation, radio electronic conflict, destructive influence, noise protection, radio resource, signal-code constructionsAbstract
Military radio communication systems are the basis of special purpose control systems and the object of the enemy’s primary influence. Therefore, the issue of increasing the noise immunity of military radio communication systems is important and needs further research. Thus, the object of the research was chosen to be a military radio communication system. Maintaining a given level of noise immunity for military radio systems is one of the key issues in radio resource management, the effective management of which allows the use of the entire suitable frequency range for the transmission (reception) of electromagnetic energy by radio electronic devices. A number of works have been devoted to the ways search for increasing the noise immunity of military radio communication systems. One such way is to develop new (improve existing) approaches for assessing the effectiveness of military radio interference management. This work solves the problem of improving the method of multicriteria management effectiveness evaluation of the structure and parameters of the military radio systems noise protection.
The scientific problem is solved by the devices of multicriteria estimation of the of noise protection level of the military radio communication system, graphic display of the executed and not executed tasks, the aggregation scheme of formation of the integrated estimation of noise protection. The research used scientific methods of analysis and synthesis, also the theory provisions of signal-code structures and the provisions of the complex technical systems theory.
The peculiarity of the proposed improvement of the methodology is the multi-criteria assessment of the noise immunity level of the military radio communication system in the conditions of radio electronic conflict. The proposed technique allows:
– to evaluate the effectiveness of noise protection management;
– to substantiate the optimal configuration of the military radio communication system in solving the problems of noise protection management in the conditions of radio electronic conflict;
– to identify the ways to increase noise immunity at the stage of operational management of the military radio communication system in the conditions of electronic conflict.
The results of the research should be used in assessing the effectiveness of management of noise protection of military radio communication systems and determining the optimal structure and parameters of military radio systems.
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Copyright (c) 2021 Anatolii Minochkin, Andrii Shyshatskyi, Vitalii Hasan, Anatolii Hasan, Andrii Opalak, Anatolii Hlushko, Oleksandr Demchenko, Anna Lyashenko, Oksana Havryliuk, Stanislav Ostapenko

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