Application of in-plastic catalysis for extraction of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons




hard-to-recover hydrocarbons, catalytic hydrogenation, hydrocarbon conversion, fractional composition, kinematic viscosity, molecular weight


The object of research is the catalytic effect (hydrocracking) for the production of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons, the subject of the study is the change in the physicochemical properties of hydrocarbons by partial gasification, and the lightening of the fractional composition of hydrocarbons. One of the most problematic areas is the lack of studies of the catalytic effect on hard-to-recover hydrocarbons in reservoir conditions. Although processes such as catalytic cracking, reforming, isomerization, aromatization and alkylation of hydrocarbons are known and used in petroleum refining.

The research used the methods of scientific knowledge – experiment and measurement. In the course of laboratory work, an effective catalyst was developed, the effect of temperature on the fractional composition and physicochemical properties of oil, oil products and gas condensate was investigated. To simulate formation conditions, hermetic metal retorts were used, in which oil and gas condensate samples were subjected to different temperature regimes. In the process of testing cores saturated with gas condensate, the dependence of filtration on physical parameters temperature and pressure, fractional composition, specific gravity and viscosity was studied.

Laboratory studies have shown a decrease in density and viscosity of hydrocarbons, an increase in core permeability. The effect of catalysis on oil made it possible to increase the volume of light ends distillation from 30 to 60 %, for gas condensate – up to 50 %, which confirms the effectiveness of the method of catalysis of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons. This is due to the fact that the correct formulation and solution of the problem provided adequate results. In contrast to the existing processes of hydrocracking of petroleum products, the proposed method allows you to extract heavy and low-mobile hydrocarbons in reservoir conditions at lower temperatures of 120–150 °С. At the same time, the technology for catalytic hydrogenation of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons will be similar to a typical treatment of a formation with an acid or surfactants. This will make it possible to intensify the commercial reserves of hydrocarbons in the fields that are now classified as hard-to-recover and which account for more than 50 %.

Author Biographies

Ivan Zezekalo, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology

Viktor Kovalenko, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Senior Researcher

Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology

Iryna Lartseva, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

PhD, Associate Professor

Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology

Olexandr Dubyna, National University «Yuri Kondratyuk Poltava Polytechnic»

Postgraduate Student

Department of Oil and Gas Engineering and Technology


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How to Cite

Zezekalo, I., Kovalenko, V., Lartseva, I., & Dubyna, O. (2021). Application of in-plastic catalysis for extraction of hard-to-recover hydrocarbons. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 6(3(62), 6–10.



Chemical and Technological Systems: Original Research