Analysis of the varietal composition of vineyards in Ukraine and the potential for growing new varieties




industrial viticulture, new generation varieties, table and wine varieties, optimal varietal composition


The object of current research is the varietal composition of industrial vineyards in Ukraine. One of the most problematic aspects is the assortment of table grapes, which is represented by a limited number of varieties, especially in industrial viticulture. That is why the local market is saturated with imported table grapes.

Viticulturists have been creating Ukrainian grape varieties since the middle of the last century. 150 promising varieties and hybrid forms were bred. They combine high productivity and product quality with high rates of adaptability to the «risky» growing conditions of the Northern Black Sea coast. Many years of research confirmed a high level of pathogen, drought and frost resistance, winter hardiness, as well as a high level of quality traits. The inclusion of modern Ukrainian varieties in the regional assortments, especially with the usage of intensive cultivation, will ensure the development of sustainable viticulture. Due to genetically determined pathogen resistance, a significant reduction in pesticide load is possible, which in the future will ensure the transition to adaptive, and later to organic viticulture.

The results of the analysis of the composition and structure of the assortment of grapes in Ukraine are obtained and the new varieties with a high level and stability of productivity and product quality for improving the assortment are suggested.

This provides the opportunity to increase profitability by 250–350 % for table varieties, due to high productivity, reducing pesticide load, and increasing the price of product due to the visual appearance and high taste properties. Common varieties require 9–12 pesticide treatments, the usage of additional stimulants such as gibberellins, and other elements of production intensification to obtain the marketable product. New wine varieties also show significant economic potential, as they have higher winter hardiness, pathogen resistance, and exclusive wine characteristics.

Author Biographies

Iryna Belous, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»


Department of Scientific Research on Intellectual Property and Marketing of Innovations

Irina Kovalyova, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Department of Breeding, Genetics and Ampelography

Lyudmila Gerus, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»

Doctor of Agricultural Sciences

Laboratory of Grape Genetic Resources

Department of Breeding, Genetics and Ampelography

Lyudmila Dzhaburiya, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»


Department of Winemaking

Olena Saliy, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»


Sector of Clonal Breeding and Biochemistry of Grapes

Department of Breeding, Genetics and Ampelography

Viacheslav Skrypnyk, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»


Sector of Variety Research and Ampelography

Department of Breeding, Genetics and Ampelography

Marina Fedorenko, National Scientific Center «Tairov Institute of Viticulture and Winemaking»


Laboratory of Grape Genetic Resources

Department of Breeding, Genetics and Ampelography


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How to Cite

Belous, I., Kovalyova, I., Gerus, L., Dzhaburiya, L., Saliy, O., Skrypnyk, V., & Fedorenko, M. (2022). Analysis of the varietal composition of vineyards in Ukraine and the potential for growing new varieties. Technology Audit and Production Reserves, 2(3(64), 36–43.



Food Production Technology: Reports on Research Projects