Research of the factor segment content of economic security management in the conditions of geopolitical transformations
shadow economy, geopolitical security, state structures, mergers and acquisitions, macroeconomics, management system, economic reformAbstract
The object of research is management system of the country's economic security and the consequences of the influence of the shadow economy on it. Research is carried out on the example of Ukraine, as a country with a fairly high level of shadow processes in business.
Shadow incomes and agreements are currently one of the main problems of the management system of income distribution and redistribution. The global scale of the economy and the deregulation of international mergers and acquisitions take shadow capital beyond individual countries, giving them global importance for the economic security of different countries. An analysis of the influence of the shadow economy on all stages of merger and acquisition agreements in Ukraine was carried out. The negative effects of shadowing on attracting foreign and national investments, which reduces the effectiveness of the country’s economic security management system, were analyzed. The article presents a comparative analysis of the dynamics of economic development indices of the country and the level of the shadow economy.
In the process of the research methods of analysis and synthesis, methods of logical design, tabular and graphical methods of data presentation are used. Correlation-regression analysis was used to study the relationship between the indicators of the shadow economy and the level of economic security of the state.
On the basis of statistical indicators, the comparison of indicators of development of shadow economy and separate indicators of economic security of Ukraine is carried out. Correlation-regression analysis was used to study the relationship between the indicators of the illegal economy and the level of economic security of the state in the conditions of geopolitical transformation. The results of the calculations showed that for most indices of economic security and the level of the shadow economy there is a direct relationship. The established dependencies can be the basis for determining the key vectors of the state policy of counteracting the development of the shadow economy and tools for influencing the most sensitive indicators of Ukraine’s economic development.
The research conducted in this article can be useful for scientists who research economic security management systems, for government institutions with the aim of forming an economic security program. The methodology can be used to determine investment priorities based on the analysis of the impact of the illegal economy on the economic security of society.
Supporting Agency
- Presentation of research in the form of publication through financial support in the form of a grant from SUES (Support to Ukrainian Editorial Staff).
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Copyright (c) 2022 Oleksandr Kalinin, Viktoriya Gonchar, Zaneta Simanaviciene

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