Analysis of amino acid composition and biological value of protein from buckwheat groats of different varieties
buckwheat, buckwheat groats, selection variety, protein, amino acid composition, biological valueAbstract
The article presents the results of studies of amino acid composition and biological value of protein from buckwheat groats of different varieties. Due to the deficiency of dietary protein in many countries is urgent search of rich, accessible and cheap sources of complete protein, especially of plant origin. One of these sources is buckwheat, which has a high nutritional value and the consumer. The lack of certainty of the chemical composition of buckwheat groats in varietal breakdown, lack of data on protein amino acid composition of different varieties of buckwheat rise to the need for research in this area. To investigate it was chosen following varieties of buckwheat grown on fields of Plant Production Institute nd. a. V. Ya. Yuryev of NAAS of Ukraine: «Ukrainka», «Yaroslavna», «Kvitnik», «Kosmeya», «Duimovochka», «Dozhdik». Varieties differed by morphological characteristics, economic and biological characteristics, different origins and genetic basis. It is experimentally determined protein amino acid composition of buckwheat, which covers the vast majority of glutamic acid, glycine, arginine, cystine, aspartic acid. Leucine, lysine and threonine are released by high concentration among the essential amino acids. The calculated amino acid score shows that buckwheat protein is the most valuable source of scarce amino acids: methionine, lysine and tryptophan; has relatively high value of the score for phenylalanine and threonine, close to the "reference" protein for valine. It is established that all studied protein cereals of buckwheat varieties characterized by high biological value in comparison with other cereals, which is within 48,5 ... 57,5. Buckwheat varieties can be placed by this measure in the next growing number: «Kvitnik» ® «Dozhdik», «Duimovochka» ® «Yaroslavna»® «Kosmeya» ® «Ukrainka». The leader was a variety «Ukrainka» which protein was the most balanced in amino acid composition. This variety can be considered the most promising for use in the food industry to ensure the population by proteins of plant origin.
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