Chronic pyelonephritis: dynamics of distribution, indicators on rendering the specialized medical aid to the patients of the capital and Ukraine


  • N.O. Saidakova SI «Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • A.V. Shuliak SI «Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine
  • S.P. Dmytryschyn Vinnytsia National Medical University. M.I. Pirogova, Ukraine
  • V.N. Shylo Cherkasy Regional Hospital of the Cherkasy Oblast Council, Ukraine
  • Y.M. Melnіchuk National Medical University A.A. Bogomolets, Ukraine
  • G.E. Kononova SI «Institute of Urology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine», Ukraine



chronic pyelonephritis, dynamics, morbidity, prevalence, prophylaxis, lethality


The work represents the results of the comparative analysis of criterions on the prevalence, morbidity in chronic pyelonephritis (CPN) among various age groups of adult population in Kyiv and Ukraine as a whole and also the main findings on rendering the specialized service to the patients in the given context. The study period was 6 years and it was divided in two periods (2011–2013 and 2014– 2016) dictated by the well known events in the country which could not but be reflected on the corresponding indicators of the last three years; clearing up of the character of changes in the whole Ukrainian scale and in Kyiv, as the Capital, is of interest from the point of view of state of health in the population and the organization on rendering medical help to the patients in one of the widespread pathologies of the urologic profile. It was found out that practically during all follow-up time the indices of prevalence and morbidity in Kyiv were lower than in the country as a whole. The specificity of changes was displayed in the growth of wide-spreadness during the first three years, which was more intensive in the Capital due to the persons of employable age but throughout the country — above the employable age. Three next years were characterized by its decreased level in Kyiv mainly among the last, preservation of dynamics in Ukraine with decrease of process intensity. As a result, in the Capital during 6 years the increase of patients of the employable age was 5.3%. In 2016 the actual data in Kyiv were the following: among the adult population – 1181,9, employable – 737,5, non-employable – 2269,7, throughout Ukraine – 1567,8; 1186,5; 2398,2 respectively ( 100 tis.). At the same time, in Kyiv morbidity grew, the growth was more intensive during 2014 – 2016, in particular among the persons of retiring age, while through the Ukraine, on the contrary, the general level decrease became slower with years. In 2016 the indicators in Kyiv were as follows: among the adult population – 91,7, employable – 60,7, non-employable – 166,5, throughout Ukraine – 127,6; 118,1; 151,5 respectively (100 tis). There was followed up negative dynamics of rendering the specialized aid to the CPN patients in Kyiv in the form of low indices of regular medical check-up, high lethality which grows with time up to 6.0% in 2016. The above-mentioned needs not only the aiming further monitoring of processes which take place in Kyiv but also performing of studies with the expert assessing of quality of diagnostics and treatment of the indicated category of patients.


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