About the Journal
Ukrainian scientific journal Urology, Andrology, NephrologyCurrent Issue
Scientific-practical journal «Urology» was founded by Dnepropetrovsk state medical academy (now State establishment «Dnipropetrovsk medical academy of Health Ministry of Ukraine») and Institute of urology and nephrology of Academy of medical sciences of Ukraine (now State establishment «Institute of urology of AcademyІ of medical sciences of Ukraine»).
Journal is registered in Ministry of information of Ukraine: registration certificate – series KB № 2374 from 15.01.1997.
By the resolution of presidium of HAC of Ukraine Journal is included in the list of editions in which main results of dissertations may be published (Bulletin of HAC of Ukraine № 4, 1999). In 2010 revalidation of the journal as a special edition was executed (Resolution of HAC of Ukraine № 1-5/3 from 14.04.2010).
Frequency of publication of the journal «Urology» - four times a year.
Sections of the journal: original papers; literature surveys; case histories, surgical technique; clinical research of medicinal agents; congresses, conferences and symposiums; remarkable dates, jubilee and memorable dates in the history of urology and allied sciences; jubilees).
Subscription index by the catalog of Ukrpochta: 48350.
ISSN 2709-5576 (Online) ISSN 2307-5279 (Print)