Laparolifting in laparoscopical nephrectomy and partial nephrectomy


  • V.M. Grygorenko SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • S.V. Baydo LISOD Israeli Oncology Hospital, Ukraine
  • S.I. Pryndiuk SI “Institute of Urology NAMS of Ukraine”; LISOD Israeli Oncology Hospital, Ukraine



kidney tumor, laparolift, endolifting, Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneum, gasless laparoscopy


During gasless laparoscopy intraabdominal space is created by using endolifts and without creating Carbon Dioxide Pneumoperitoneum(CDP), which create negative influence to patients with severe concomitant diseases of cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. There are compare analysis of using CDP, endolifting (using the original model of the spiral laparolifta, which is fixed to the lifting and holding device to mount on the ceiling) or their combination during laparoscopic surgery on kidney for a variety of intra- and postoperative parameters performed in the article. After “gasless” technique for postoperative period did not have a statistically significant negative differences in comparison with the indicators operated under CDP. Recovery of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, the filtering capacity of the kidneys, psycho-emotional sphere in the early postoperative period and rehabilitation were better for patients research and combined groups. Using spiral laparolift expands the possibilities of performing laparoscopic surgery on the kidney (nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy) in patients at risk for comorbidities, can reduce the negative impact of CDP in the filtration ability of the kidneysas well as helps prevent a number of complications. Establishing laparolift and traction of the abdominal wall does not violate the principles of minimally invasive surgery.


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Патент на корисну модель № 105145. Спосіб безгазової лапароскопії в лікуванні пухлин нирок. Опуб. 10.03.2016, Бюл. № 5.




