Comparative analysis of uroflowmetry data from patients with BPH and patients with BPH in combination with chronic prostatitis
benign prostatic hyperplasia, chronic prostatitis, uroflowmetryAbstract
The article is devoted to the research of the effect of chronic prostatitis on various parameters of uroflowmetry among patients with BPH with symptoms of the lower urinary tract. There was 38.4% of patients with a combined diagnosis of BPH and chronic prostatitis among 1056 examined patients. The proportion of patients with combined diagnosis decreased with age: under 60 years – 50.5%, at the age of 60–74 – 42.4%, 75–90 years – 30.5%. Statistically significant differences in the prostate gland volume, residual urine volume and 8 different uroflowmetry parameters, including the maximum and average flow rate among patients with BPH and chronic prostatitis and patients with BPH without prostatitis were not detected (pі0,05). Only the time of urination was significantly higher (p<0.01) and was characterized by the smallest dispersion. The highest frequency of the combination of BPH with chronic prostatitis was noted among patients with obstructive urination. For patients with BPH chronic prostatitis can be a predictor of possible further development of the lower urinary tract obstruction.References
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