Peculiarities of diagnostic chronic abacterial prostatitis of viral ethiology


  • E.A. Litvinets Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine
  • A.I. Fedoriv Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University, Ukraine



chronic abacterial prostatitis, avidity, herpes virus, cytomegalovirus, polymerase chain reaction


The aim of the study was to analyze the role of the herpes simplex virus and cytomegalovirus in the etiology of chronic abacterial prostatitis. We examined 98 men with chronic abacterial prostatitis category IIIB, the comparison group consisted of 40 healthy men. In order to confirm viral etioloigi, all patients underwent additional specific examination: serological markers (antibodies (AT) of IgM and IgG classes were determined by ELISA), as well as virological (DNA of viruses in prostate secretion or ejaculate by PCR). To establish the duration of infection, the avidity index (AI) of IgG class antibodies was determined. According to the study, the criteria for the activity of a viral infection are determined: these are IgM, low-avid IgG, virus DNA in prostate secretions or ejaculate. According to the results of the study, in 20 patients (25.9%) of all seropositive patients, according to a specific examination, one or several criteria for the activity of a viral infection were detected, this indicates a recent infection or activation of herpes virus infection (herpes virus + cytomegalovirus), which may explain the clinical picture of chronic prostatitis. The main criterion for the diagnosis of chronic abacterial prostatitis herpetic and cytomegalovirus etiology is the detection of virus DNA in the prostate secretion or ejaculate by PCR.


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