The state of urodynamics of the lower urinary tract in women with urethral polyps by data uroflowmetry


  • T.A. Kvyatkovskaya SI “Dnipropetrovsk medical academy MH of Ukraine”, Ukraine
  • Y.A. Kvyatkovsky ME “Dnipropetrovsk CCH № 9 DRC”, Ukraine
  • I.M. Rusinko ME “Dnipropetrovsk 12 TMU DRC”, Ukraine



female urethral polyp, micturition, uroflowmetry


We examined 76 women with urethral polyp with an average age of 64,8±1.1 years (28–81 years), 93,4% of them were over 50 years old. All women were given uroflowmetry using the Uroflowmeter «Flow-K» and an ultrasound scan of the kidneys and bladder. Normal quantitative urine flow rates were observed in 53,9% of patients with normal and intermittent type of uroflowgrams. Only 15,8% of the uroflowgrams did not have any qualitative changes. The most frequent symptom of micturition disorders in patients with urethral polyps was an unstable intermittent or interrupted urine flow with significant fluctuations in volume flow rate during micturition. Interrupted, obstructive-intermittent and obstructive-interrupted types of uroflowgrams accounted for almost half of the total – 47,4%. The second most frequent symptom was a decrease in the parameters of the volume velocity of the urine flow: obstructive, obstructive- intermittent and obstructive-interrupted types of micturition in the sum amounted to 42,2% of cases. However, both signs were observed only in a third of cases – 29%. Patients with relapsing polyps, accounted for 2,6% of the total, had an obstructive type of uroflowgrams.


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